How to Cook Quinoa in Microwave? How to Use Quinoa?

By Alex Au Yeung

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Quinoa, a versatile and nutritious grain, has gained immense popularity in modern cooking. If you’re looking for a quick and convenient way to prepare this healthy ingredient, learning how to cook quinoa in microwave is the perfect solution. 

The microwave offers a time-saving and efficient method, allowing you to enjoy perfectly cooked quinoa in a matter of minutes. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps and techniques to achieve deliciously fluffy quinoa using your microwave. 

Whether you’re a busy professional or simply seeking a hassle-free cooking method, mastering the art of cooking quinoa in the microwave will revolutionize your kitchen experience.

Is it safe to cook quinoa in the microwave?

How to Cook Quinoa in Microwave? How to Use Quinoa?

Yes, it is safe to cook quinoa in the microwave, as long as you follow proper cooking instructions and use microwave-safe cookware. 

The microwave heats food by producing electromagnetic waves that generate heat within the food itself, including quinoa. When cooked correctly, quinoa in the microwave can be just as safe and delicious as other cooking methods.

Preparing quinoa for microwave cooking

How to Cook Quinoa in Microwave? How to Use Quinoa?
Preparing quinoa for microwave cooking

When preparing quinoa for microwave cooking, it is crucial to rinse it thoroughly to eliminate any potential bitterness. Rinsing helps remove the natural coating called saponin, which can give quinoa a slightly bitter taste. 

To rinse quinoa, place it in a fine-mesh strainer and hold it under cold running water. Gently swish the quinoa with your fingers to ensure all grains are rinsed evenly. Continue rinsing until the water runs clear.

For microwave cooking, the recommended ratio of water to quinoa is typically 2 parts water to 1 part quinoa. This ratio ensures that the quinoa cooks evenly and absorbs the right amount of moisture. 

However, it’s essential to check the specific instructions on your quinoa package, as ratios may vary slightly. With the proper rinsing technique and correct water-to-quinoa ratio, you’ll be ready to move on to the next step of cooking delicious quinoa in the microwave.

How to cook quinoa in microwave?

How to Cook Quinoa in Microwave? How to Use Quinoa?
How to cook quinoa in microwave?

To cook quinoa in the microwave, follow these simple steps:

  1. Place the rinsed quinoa and water in a microwave-safe bowl. The recommended ratio is usually 2 parts water to 1 part quinoa.
  2. Cover the bowl with a microwave-safe plate or microwave-safe lid. This helps trap the steam and ensures even cooking.
  3. Microwave the quinoa on high power for a specified amount of time. The cooking time can vary depending on your microwave’s wattage and the quantity of quinoa being cooked. Typically, it takes around 10 minutes. Check the package instructions or refer to a reliable recipe for the specific cooking time.
  4. Once the cooking time is complete, let the quinoa rest in the microwave for a few minutes. This resting period allows any remaining moisture to be absorbed, resulting in a fluffier texture.
  5. Carefully remove the bowl from the microwave and use a fork to fluff the quinoa. Gently separate the grains to avoid clumping.

However, “How to cook 1 2 cups of quinoa in the microwave?” Similar to the normal cooking method, the cooking method is the same, only the amount of cooking is different.

For the water-to-quinoa ratio, you will need about 1 cup of water. This means twice as much water as quinoa. The modified ratio is 2 parts water to 1 part quinoa.

However, the cooking time of 1/2 cup of quinoa will be less than usual. Microwave the quinoa on high power for about 5-7 minutes. Keep a close eye on it to prevent overcooking. Adjust the cooking time based on your microwave’s wattage and desired texture.

How to store quinoa?

How to Cook Quinoa in Microwave? How to Use Quinoa?
How to store quinoa?

To store quinoa properly, follow these guidelines:

Transfer to an airtight container

Place the cooked or uncooked quinoa in an airtight container to protect it from moisture, air, and pests. A glass jar or a resealable plastic bag works well for this purpose.

Store in a cool, dry place

Keep the quinoa in a cool, dark pantry or cupboard away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and humidity. Excessive heat and moisture can lead to spoilage and affect the quality of quinoa.

Avoid storing near strong odors

Quinoa has a mild flavor that can easily absorb odors from other food items. Keep it away from strong-smelling foods like spices, onions, or garlic to prevent flavor contamination.

Label and date

If you are storing multiple types of quinoa or different batches, label the containers with the variety or date of purchase to keep track of freshness.

Use within a reasonable timeframe

While quinoa has a longer shelf life compared to other grains, it is best to use it within 1 to 2 years for optimal quality. Over time, quinoa can become stale and lose its flavor and texture.

Can use a microwave rice cooker for cooking quinoa?

Yes, a microwave rice cooker can be used for cooking quinoa. Here are the advantages of using a microwave rice cooker for cooking quinoa:

  • Convenience: Microwave rice cookers are specifically designed for cooking grains like quinoa. They offer a hassle-free and efficient way to cook quinoa without the need for multiple utensils or monitoring.
  • Even Cooking: Microwave rice cookers provide even heat distribution, ensuring that the quinoa cooks uniformly and each grain is tender.
  • Time-Saving: Using a microwave rice cooker reduces the cooking time compared to stovetop methods, allowing you to prepare quinoa quickly.

The common mistake when cooking quinoa in microwave

How to Cook Quinoa in Microwave? How to Use Quinoa?
The common mistake when cooking quinoa in microwave

Common mistakes when cooking quinoa in the microwave include:

  • Not rinsing the quinoa: Failing to rinse the quinoa thoroughly can result in a bitter taste due to the natural coating called saponin.
  • Incorrect water-to-quinoa ratio: Using the wrong ratio of water to quinoa can lead to undercooked or mushy quinoa. It’s important to follow the recommended ratio for optimal results.
  • Overcooking: Microwaves vary in power, so it’s essential to monitor the cooking time closely. Overcooking quinoa can make it overly mushy and affect its texture.
  • Insufficient resting time: Allowing the quinoa to rest in the microwave after cooking is crucial for the grains to absorb any remaining moisture and achieve a fluffy texture. Skipping this step may result in a wet or clumpy quinoa.
  • Not fluffing the quinoa: After resting, using a fork to fluff the quinoa helps separate the grains and prevent them from sticking together. Neglecting this step can lead to a dense and compact quinoa.
  • Neglecting to adjust cooking time: Microwave wattage can vary, so it’s important to adjust the cooking time based on your specific microwave to avoid undercooking or overcooking the quinoa.

Tips and tricks for perfect microwave quinoa

How to Cook Quinoa in Microwave? How to Use Quinoa?
Tips and tricks for perfect microwave quinoa

To achieve a perfect outcome when cooking quinoa in the microwave, here are some additional tips and tricks:


About halfway through the cooking process, open the microwave and give the quinoa a gentle stir. This helps distribute the heat evenly and ensures that all the grains cook uniformly.


Once the quinoa has finished cooking, let it rest in the microwave for a few minutes before fluffing. This resting period allows the quinoa to absorb any remaining moisture, resulting in a light and fluffy texture.

Adjusting cooking time

Cooking time can vary depending on personal preference and desired texture. If you prefer a slightly firmer texture (similar to al dente), reduce the cooking time slightly. Conversely, if you prefer a softer and more tender texture, increase the cooking time by a minute or two. Adjusting the cooking time allows you to customize the quinoa to your liking.

How to use cooked quinoa?

  • Asian quinoa and edamame salad: This is a delightful fusion of flavors and textures that brings together the nutty goodness of quinoa and the vibrant freshness of edamame. This salad is a colorful medley of cooked quinoa, tender edamame beans, and a variety of crisp vegetables like shredded carrots, sliced bell peppers, and scallions. The dressing is a tantalizing blend of Asian-inspired ingredients, such as soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar, ginger, and garlic, which infuse the salad with an irresistible umami taste.
  • Asian quinoa stir-fry: Start by sautéing a medley of colorful vegetables such as bell peppers, broccoli florets, carrots, and snap peas in a hot skillet or wok. Add cooked quinoa to the pan and stir-fry everything together until the flavors meld. To enhance the Asian flair, you can include ingredients like soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger, garlic, and a touch of honey or agave for a hint of sweetness.
  • Asian quinoa bowl peanut sauce: Blanch broccoli florets and mix them with shredded cabbage, edamame, and shredded or grated carrots for a refreshing crunch. Once the quinoa is microwaved and the vegetables are prepped, assemble your bowls by layering the cooked quinoa as a base and topping it with the vegetable mixture. Drizzle a rich and creamy peanut sauce over the bowl. The peanut sauce can be made by combining peanut butter, soy sauce, lime juice, honey or maple syrup, ginger, and garlic.
  • Garlic brown rice and quinoa: To make this dish even more convenient, you can use microwave brown rice for a quick and easy preparation. In a separate pan, sauté minced garlic in a drizzle of olive oil until fragrant. Add the cooked microwave brown rice and quinoa to the pan, stirring well to combine the flavors. You can also toss in some colorful vegetables like bell peppers, peas, and carrots to add a vibrant touch. Season the dish with salt and pepper, and optionally, you can sprinkle some fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro for added freshness.


What is the advantage of cooking quinoa in the microwave?

Cooking quinoa in the microwave offers several advantages:

  • Time efficiency: Microwave cooking is faster than stovetop methods, allowing you to cook quinoa in a matter of minutes. It’s an excellent option for those who want a quick meal or are short on time.
  • Convenience: Cooking quinoa in the microwave is convenient and hassle-free. There’s no need to constantly monitor the cooking process or stir the quinoa, as the microwave handles the cooking automatically.
  • Even cooking: Microwaves distribute heat evenly, ensuring that each quinoa grain cooks uniformly. This results in consistent texture and doneness throughout the batch.
  • Energy efficiency: Microwaves use less energy compared to stovetops or ovens, making them a more environmentally friendly option for cooking quinoa.
  • Versatility: The microwave allows you to easily adjust the cooking time and power levels, allowing for customization based on personal preference. You can achieve different textures, from al dente to softer, by simply adjusting the cooking time.
  • No need for additional cookware: Cooking quinoa in the microwave eliminates the need for extra pots or pans, reducing the cleanup process. A microwave-safe bowl or rice cooker is all you need.

Can I use a regular bowl to cook quinoa in the microwave?

However, it’s important to note that not all bowls or dishes are suitable for microwave use. It is recommended to use microwave-safe cookware, such as glass or ceramic bowls, that are labeled as microwave-safe. These materials are designed to withstand the heat generated by the microwave and minimize the risk of breakage or release of harmful substances.

Avoid using metal or plastic containers that are not specifically designated as microwave-safe, as they can cause sparks, release harmful chemicals, or melt in the microwave.

Can I cook flavored quinoa in the microwave?

Yes, you can cook flavored quinoa in the microwave. To add flavor to your quinoa, you can incorporate various ingredients and spices while cooking. 

For example, you can add vegetable or chicken broth, herbs, spices, or even citrus juice to infuse the quinoa with different flavors. Simply adjust the water-to-quinoa ratio accordingly to accommodate the additional liquid or ingredients.

Can I add vegetables to the quinoa while cooking it in the microwave?

Similarly, you can add vegetables to the quinoa while cooking it in the microwave. This allows the vegetables to cook together with the quinoa, saving time and effort. Chop or dice the vegetables into small, evenly sized pieces to ensure they cook evenly. 

You can add vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, peas, corn, or any other vegetable of your choice. The moisture from the vegetables will contribute to the overall cooking process, so consider adjusting the water-to-quinoa ratio accordingly.

How do I prevent quinoa from becoming mushy in the microwave?

To prevent quinoa from becoming mushy in the microwave, follow these tips:

  • Proper water-to-quinoa ratio: Ensure that you use the appropriate ratio of water to quinoa. The general guideline is 2 parts water to 1 part quinoa. Adjust the ratio slightly if needed, based on personal preference and the specific instructions for your microwave.
  • Avoid overcooking: Be cautious not to overcook the quinoa, as this can lead to a mushy texture. Follow the recommended cooking time, and if necessary, check the quinoa a few minutes before the suggested time to prevent overcooking.
  • Fluffing after resting: After the quinoa has finished cooking, allow it to rest in the microwave for a few minutes. Then, use a fork to fluff the quinoa gently. Fluffing helps separate the grains and prevents them from clumping together, resulting in a light and fluffy texture.

Can I use the defrost setting on the microwave to cook quinoa?

As for using the defrost setting on the microwave to cook quinoa, it is not recommended. The defrost setting is intended for thawing frozen food and uses a lower power level, which may not provide sufficient heat to properly cook the quinoa. It’s best to use the regular high-power setting on your microwave for cooking quinoa.

Can I cook quinoa in the microwave using almond milk or coconut milk?

Yes, you can cook quinoa in the microwave using almond milk or coconut milk. These dairy-free alternatives can add a creamy and slightly sweet flavor to the quinoa. 

Simply substitute the water with almond milk or coconut milk, using the same water-to-quinoa ratio (usually 2 parts liquid to 1 part quinoa). Adjust the cooking time as needed, following the instructions for cooking quinoa in the microwave.

Can I cook quinoa in the microwave using a microwave-safe plastic container?

When it comes to using a microwave-safe plastic container for cooking quinoa, it’s important to check the specific instructions and recommendations provided by the manufacturer. 

While some microwave-safe plastic containers are designed for cooking and reheating food, others may not be suitable for high-heat cooking, such as cooking quinoa. To ensure safety, opt for microwave-safe glass or ceramic containers instead.

Can I cook quinoa in the microwave using a microwave popcorn popper?

A microwave popcorn popper is not designed for cooking quinoa. These poppers are specifically made for popping popcorn kernels and may not provide the ideal conditions for cooking quinoa evenly. It’s best to use microwave-safe bowls or rice cookers designed for cooking grains when preparing quinoa in the microwave.


Upon analyzing the facts, learning how to cook quinoa in microwave opens up a world of convenience and efficiency in your kitchen. By following the step-by-step instructions and tips provided, you can easily achieve perfectly cooked quinoa with minimal effort. The microwave offers a time-saving method that allows you to have fluffy and nutritious quinoa ready in just minutes. 

Whether you’re a busy professional or simply looking for a quick and hassle-free cooking technique, mastering the art of cooking quinoa in the microwave is a game-changer. Embrace the advantages of this approach, such as faster cooking times, even heat distribution, and the ability to customize the texture to your liking. 

By incorporating the proper rinsing technique, adjusting the water-to-quinoa ratio, and taking advantage of resting and fluffing, you’ll enjoy delicious results every time. So, don’t hesitate to try this convenient cooking method and unlock the potential of your microwave for preparing flavorful quinoa dishes. Discover the simplicity and satisfaction of mastering how to cook quinoa in the microwave, revolutionizing your cooking experience with this versatile and nutritious grain.

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